My secret MVP, Choosing the Tech Stack

My secret MVP, Choosing the Tech Stack


2 min read

For the past 2 months, I've been slowly developing an MVP for a pretty neat app idea that super magically came to me. I hope to announce its release in 2-3 weeks give or take.

Choosing a tech stack for your MVP can be pretty hard in 2022. I mean, just take a peek at this

Ignore the hype ๐Ÿ“ข

Everyone has an opinion on what's the "best tech stack" or the "best framework" for building your apps and why you should choose x over y. I'm not getting into that in this blog. But generally, no you do not need 48+ microservices, GraphQL, and 4 different databases for your MVP. You likely don't even need to manage your own Auth.

As is my case, I'm sure you just want to build your MVP as quickly as possible so you can see your idea come to life.

My no-bull-shit, ship-fast stack ๐Ÿ’จ

No, sadly I'm not using a single index.php file. ๐Ÿ™

I used what I was already familiar with, and you should too (assuming it's a sensible framework).

  • Node.JS (My language of choice)
  • Next.JS (Front-end)
  • Supabase (Auth & Database)

Node.JS is just a personal favourite of mine. Using Next.JS for the front-end allowed me to benefit from features such as server-side rendering, automatic routing and automatic code splitting.

And my love for Supabase deserves its own blog entirely. It just works and their free plan is simply amazing.

Now, I actually ended up having to build a backend service to assist my main app. I chose Typescript for this simply because I only needed to write a few hundred lines of code and I really wanted to strengthen my Typescript knowledge.

Closing Thoughts ๐Ÿ’ก

Don't choose your tech stack based on what's new and "cool". Just choose what works for you and your customers.

I hope you can tell from this blog that choosing a tech stack is mostly just about preference. Don't get me wrong, you still want to keep scalability in mind but just be realistic. Will you have an unexpected surge from 100 monthly users to 100k+ in a month? For 99% of us, no. So just use what's easiest for you (given it's a well-establish language or framework). Remember you're creating value for your customers, not an over-engineered codebase.
